BioBasic/pUCM-T Cloning Vector Kit/20preps/BS435
联系Q Q:
Product Description:pUCM-T Cloning Vector Kit: The T-Vector PCR Product Cloning Kit is suitable for cloning of PCR products with additional A at 3’ end. The special ligation system provided by the kit enables customs to finish ligation in 1-2 hour. pUCm-Tvector of our company isdesign for simplifing cloning of PCR products. Many thermal stable DNA polymerase, PCR products amplified by DNApolymerase such as Taq,Tth DNA produce additional A at 3’ end which could be easily ligated to T vector with additional T. pUCm-T of our company is a kind of noval pUC derivative T vector, the mutiple restrict sits with most of them single site and adjusted b-galatose reading frame make it easily for screening target clone through blue and white plaque. Specially designed two Pst I sites beside inserted fragments make it easy for screening target clone by Pst I digestion, at same time inserted fragments also could be screened by cheap and efficient restrict enzymes such as EcoR I and Hind III double digestion. Inserted fragmentsalso could be sequencedusing universal primers M13 and T7 promoterprimer. In vitro transcription could be processed through site of T7 RNA polymerase promotor in pUCm-T.
Number of Containers:1
Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer
Shipping Conditions:ICE
UNSPSC Code:41106610
UNSPSC Category:Cloning Vectors
Bio Basic Inc.是一家生命科学研究支持公司,成立于加拿大多伦多-总部位于安大略省万锦市和纽约阿默斯特。在Bio Basic,我们相信实验室服务和消耗品可以而且应该负担得起。我们直接制造基因,寡核苷酸,提取试剂盒,PCR试剂和许多其他研究必需品。我们的制造和供应链网络使我们能够提供业内最实惠的价格,而不会影响质量。科学研究的进步涉及许多阶段的漫长而艰辛的旅程。我们认为,通过支持科学研究的初始阶段(也称为“基础研究”),可以为整个过程的成功奠定重要基础。当科学产品和服务的成本上涨时,基础科学研究遭受的损失最大,这就是为什么我们的使命是促进基础科学研究。现在,支持基础研究将使将来的应用研究成功。